Microsoft lifts compatibility block, allowing more people to upgrade to Windows 11.

209 views 8:19 am 0 Comments April 16, 2024

Microsoft has resolved compatibility issues with Intel Smart Sound Technology drivers and Windows 11. Devices encountering this issue should install newer versions of the Intel® SST Audio Controller drivers prior to updating to Windows 11.

The issue is resolved by updating the Intel® Smart Sound Technology drivers to version and later, or and later. It is important to note that later versions of the driver might only refer to the last part of the version number.

For addressing this issue, 10.30.x versions are not newer than 10.29.x versions. Most users can install updated drivers via Windows update by checking for Windows updates on their devices.

This is the preferred method of installing these and other drivers. If the device continues to encounter the safeguard hold 48 hours after updating the drivers, it is possible that drivers for the Audio Controller have not been developed for the specific device hardware configuration.

In such cases, users will need to contact their device manufacturer (OEM) for more information on the necessary drivers. Microsoft aims to make the latest compatible drivers available under Windows Update whenever developers release them.

The issue is described as having been “resolved externally” because Intel fixed the problems by producing updated drivers. These problem-free drivers have been available for around two years.

Microsoft acknowledges that after installing the updated drivers, there could be a delay of up to 48 hours before Windows Update offers the chance to upgrade to Windows 11. However, it is good news for anyone who was unable to upgrade to Windows 11 due to this particular compatibility issue.

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